Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Zit and other things...

Well. I have spent the evening studying (finally!) and what do I get? Not an A grade, but a giant ZIT. Right between my eyes. Yes. It looks just like a third eye. Thank you stress, for manifesting yourself in the worst way possible. 


I have seen this picture all over pinterest and I must say, I find it HORRIFYING. Most of the comments are positive but this is truly the worst thing I have seen in a long time. A bow, on your head, made of your own HAIR. Gross.

PS- I wore my lion sweater today and it made me feel good.
PPS- In my sex class I was the first to be STD free. (I would explain in detail, but I like it better this way...)


 December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy —

It happened 70 years ago.
I began studying it 10 years ago.
I visited 3 years ago.
Still an incredible experience today.


I had the wonderful opportunity of babysitting the geege last night. Although her mom was a little weary of what the night had in store, it went swimmingly! She was as sweet as ever, and didn't cry once (even when Elena did everything she could to change that fact...). I also get the credit of putting her to sleep, even though she ended up on grandma. What a sweet, sweet, baby.
PS- She took a step. Maybe two. No lie!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Finals Week

Well. It is finals week. The library is packed and classmates you have never spoken to before are asking if you want to study with them. I have two finals and 3 papers due this week and two more finals next week. I should say yes to those classmates or at least lock myself in my room (after throwing my TV out the window). But alas, I can't bring myself to do it. After successfully avoiding any kind of social situation because "I have to study..." this is my life: (keep in mind I really should be studying or at least writing my papers)
 Catching up on all my shows. Or re-watching the good ones. I am seriously thinking about marrying hulu...
 Making Christmas cookies!! If you're close, expect a giant plate of deliciousness. 
 Shopping. I have such a love/hate relationship with it. Mostly hate, but anything to get out of homework...
 Staring for HOURS at our beautiful Christmas tree. Decorating was long, but totally worth it. We went all out and I love it all!! (not ours, but just as spectacular.)
Listening to this guy on repeat for days and days. Buble, you're next.

Here's to hoping I don't lose my scholarship! 
(I won't mom, promise.)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Goobie

Wednesday, 11/23/11,was a great day. It was GG's first birthday! She is the sweetest, cutest baby ever! 
She loves to:
 play with Wanes
try to walk
screech (and I mean SCREECH)
 suck on her hands
ironing board
eat baby food- preferably meat
be sweet!

So Marie asked if I could make a monkey cake for GG to mess up. I thought it might be a challenge, so of course I accepted. Above is the end product. I thought it was cute. GG on the other hand....

Did not. This picture is deceiving. About 45 seconds after this was taken GG started to FREAK out. Marie put her hand in the frosting and she was having NONE of it! Then she saw the face and all hope was lost. Luckily Bum caught it all on camera so we can taunt her for the rest of her life. But the thing to take away is, my monkey was terrifying. I will not be making one again. 

Since GG was not having anything to do with the cake, we tried a cupcake. Of course she LOVED it. Who wouldn't?

GG- full and slowly slipping into a sugar coma.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet baby girl! I love you!
-Auntie Lo

Friday, November 18, 2011


Happy Birthday to me!


I have a new slogan for my dear university...

UVU- America's #1 destination for men wearing women's shoes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Oh hey. Want to have an anxiety attack?
Just watch this show. For real. Instant panic.


Is this still a thing? Why?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Here are the things that BOTHER me lately...
(Here is the inspiration for this post...bothered.)

 This has happened to me before, and it bothered me just as much: Sharing my birthday with Twilight. I can never go out when Twilight premieres on my birthday because there are millions of screaming pre-teens (well, any female really...) crammed into every restaurant in Utah County. SO ANNOYING. If I see anyone dressed as a pregnant Bella on my b-day, there will be blood shed.

Parking at UVU is a JOKE. They charge you a ton of money for a parking pass, and then think is okay to hold events at the Mckay during classes. What does this mean? EVERY PARKING STALL IS TAKEN. And not by students attending class. They are taken by the event-goers. Really UVU? I mean really. Also, the parking lot by the LA building is a death trap. I am amazed no one has died...

Call them what you will, (I call them turn-indicators because that is what smart people call them) they are on your car for a reason. USE them. Thanks.

Have you seen this commercial? The song playing in it, WHAT IS IT SAYING??! I have an idea, but I am 100% positive I am wrong, and if I'm not, well that's just plain inappropriate Honda Civic...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Blues

It's that time of year again. November. My birth month. What do I want for my birthday?
I want to never grow up.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Three posts in one night? Well, one hour really...Yes. And I will tell you why. I am trying to stay awake until midnight because at midnight I can register for classes. Did I stay up until midnight yesterday thinking I could register for classes then? You bet. Am I going to be cranky because of lack of sleep? Absolutely. But am I going to get ALL the classes I want? If I don't, I may go crazy. But really people, this is the first time I am actually being proactive about registration. I usually add classes the week before school starts and pray I get into the class because I am always on the wait list. This staying up late thing better work. 

But enough of the explanation. What I really want to talk about is my dang foot. Actually, I don't want to talk about it. I hate it. But I found some pictures, so here you go:

Here it is the day after surgery. My second surgery to be exact. It's cute! All wrapped up and cozy. However, the not showering thing was not cool. I felt like Hill-perro. (loves!)

Here it is 3 weeks after surgery. Gross. My toes did not appreciate the way the doctor treated them. My walking far more than recommended probably didn't help either...

And here it is today. Literally. I just took this picture. Right now. Why is it bandaged you ask? Ha ha, great question. I went to the doctor for my final check-up today and what did he find? Stitches still in the wound. But the wound was more or less healed. Therefore he had to CUT them out. It hurt to say the least. He also mentioned how weird it was because for some reason, disintegrating stitches do not disintegrate in my body. Instead they sit there and fester and get infected. How lovely. Here is to hoping my foot will be back to normal ASAP!


It is quite a bit late but...Elena turned 1 in July. (time flies) I love this kid to death! She is a genius, and truly one of the sweetest babies ever. We have a great little bond. She loves her AUNT. (Aunt was one of her first words!) And I LOVE MY WANES!!!

She loves sitting on shoulders, singing songs, jibber-jabbering, playing with her bebes, eating food, walking all over, socks on the hands, upside down baby, shoes, saying "Bees" aka please, nanas (bananas), playing with GG, cell phones, giving kisses, playing with clothes, books, and being with her family. She also loves naps and going night, night. Surprising, I know.

Would a lady bug themed birthday be complete without a lady bug shaped cake? I think not! This is my first ever carved cake. I was a little hard, but I think it came out okay. Fondant does not taste good, but it sure makes cakes look pretty!

The sweet birthday girl getting ready to blow out her candle and start smashing the cake. Too bad 25 seconds later she realized everyone was looking at her and burst into tears. Like aunt, like niece. That's a saying right? Well it should be. 

Happy Halloween

Well. Here I am: Zombie-fied. I look pretty good if I do say so myself. Shout out to Amy: make-up extraordinaire! We looked spooky, scary!

Although I did not win best costume at the party, a travesty I know, I did win best dessert! Pumpkin Cream Puffs. YUM.

Here is my awesome jack-o-lantern cyclops. I don't remember pumpkin carving being hard, but this year I struggled. His eyeball is being held in place with a toothpick. Also, four of my fingers bled. BLED. That is dedication.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


It is about time I post about what I do with ALL of my free time. Meet Mexican Train: everyone, mexi-train; mexi-train, everyone. I am absolutely head over heels for this game. There are 13 rounds in a properly played game of mexi-train. We never play less than two GAMES. (games, not rounds) We should be tired of it by now, yes? No. It never gets boring. Yes, my friends and I should probably be out socializing and meeting new people, but mexi-train is just too dang awesome.

Best. Game. Ever.

Although I am the #1 mexi-train fan in the world, I must admit the best part of Saturday night was the 30 minutes we took laughing our heads off talking about people who fall down. 30 minutes straight of laughing, laughing to the point of crying, at other peoples misfortune. That is true friendship.

PS- remember when we had a real conversation about politics? WE ARE GROWN-UPS!!!
PPS- remember when we shattered our "grown-up-ness" by watching JB music videos? Fail.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Annie, Gracias

Annie, you are the best. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to one of the greatest websites on the face of the earth. For real, I have spent all day reading and re-reading these posts. I am even thinking about dropping out of college and going on a quest to find this guy and become his best friend. 

Here is a little gem to tide you over until you click HERE.

Dear Girls Above Me,
(reading her Facebook wall) “Who is this Rip Lewis everyone’s talking about?” I’m sorry but I think your friend Lewis died.

I think I'm in love with him.

Good One Gucci

Saw this new Gucci fragrance ad in a magazine the other day. Chris Evans, I applaud you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today was a very long day. It was full of work, wedding, and waynes. (that last one was a gift rather than a curse.) After coming home completely exhausted and kind of annoyed because I didn't get any homework done, I was greeted by an awesome surprise-- an e-mail from the TODAY show! Anyone who knows me at all knows that I watch the TODAY show every morning. This is a fairly new habit because in years past I would sleep through the best parts of the show and wake up only to be frightened by a drunk Kathie Lee. But since I am a "grown-up" now, I am awake for the opening titles. But enough of the side bar. The main point of this post is LENNY. (pictured below)

Lenny is quite a character. I first began noticing him the first week of religiously watching the TODAY show. The crowd in the plaza is never the same. People come and go throughout the broadcast and most definitely day to day. However, Lenny was there everyday. Of course, at the time I noticed him, I had no idea his name was Lenny. So how was I to find out who this mystery man was? E-mail is the answer. I e-mailed my inquiry to the TODAY show and have been patiently waiting for a response. Today I got that response.

It was quite a simple e-mail but answered all my questions nonetheless. Ladies and Gents: LENNY.
This is the link the e-mail gave me and also explained that the TODAY show receives more e-mails and questions about Lenny than any other person on the show. (digest that Matt Lauer...)

In other news, Matt announced on Monday that he is leaving the TODAY show. Sad? Not really. But he has been with the show for quite some time. That has to be worth something, right?
If the TODAY execs need any help in finding a replacement, I am their girl.
And this is their GUY.

Here's to you PETER ALEXANDER.

P.S. Isn't Lenny the coolest?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Why do people have to be so dramatic?

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Worst. Movie. Ever.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Ever since Sundee, these images have been haunting me. I seriously can't believe these pics! Craziness. Here's to hoping I don't ever get famous so my yearbook photos stay off the interweb!

Mr. Katy Perry

You will never guess....
Zach Galifianakis


SCHOOOOOOOL tomorrow. Yes, I missed the first day. Yes, I had a little freak out. And Yes, I am over it.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Thank you, Ba-lake, for sending me the BEST BOOK EVER.


I'm all about the comfortable things in life. And that will probably never change. Here are two of my favorite comfortable things right now:

Games aren't really "comfortable" but I am comfortable when I am playing this game. I can play it for hours and not get tired of it. It is ADDICTING and WAY FUN! It is cool to play against people you know and chat with them during the game, but lately I have just pushed the "random opponent" button and have been entertained for hours!

I am thinking I will just live in these dresses for the rest of my life. I have never been so comfy! I thought sweats were the greatest things in the WORLD, until I discovered Maxi Dresses. It is just a bonus that they are trendy because let's be honest, I would wear them no matter what!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


There are no words.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh well

Oh well. I haven't posted in a long while, but for good reason. I was waiting for the perfect time. Ok, the real reason is, I have been super busy. But when I finally got a moment and went to post, I realized I should wait. Wait for HARRY POTTER. I was going to wait and do an EPIC post after I saw the movie and was depressed that the last chapter of my childhood was over, but I didn't quite make it....
Last weekend I went to a movie. A pretty terrible (acting, not story) movie, but instead of just forgetting about it, I became sad. Sick, really. I miss Hawaii SO much, there is no way it could be healthy. Walking on the beach at sunset was my heaven on earth. Walking down the street in Utah at sunset is my anti-heaven on earth. There is no place I would rather be than in Hawaii, which is a sad fact because at this moment I am sitting on my bed in UTAH.

Sunset Beach. I witnessed a fantastic thing here- a surfing competition. Amazing people doing amazing things with gorgeous, amazing waves. This beach was in the movie. I almost cried. And if you knew me at all, you would know that is serious stuff.

The other day my mom asked me why I was so quiet lately. This is why. I will never forget my beach sunsets. I don't think anyone has seen as many as I have. Ok, not true. But I still have seen a lot. And appreciated every single one of them. Towards the end I was a little bitter during sunsets, but I am over it now, and have gone back to missing them.

Hawaii was an experience I will never forget. Sometimes it was hard to be away from family and friends, but I would never trade the experiences I had there for anything. I miss it, I love it, and I can't wait to go back.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Movie Time

Saw this movie on Saturday. It was FANTASTIC. Mostly because of...


I suggest this movie to all. It will really make you think about America and the justice system.