Sunday, November 22, 2009

For the Love of 21...

Ok, as most of you know I turned the big 2-1 last week. Crazy, I know. Usually the 21st birthday is a time for celebration. For me, not so much. The following is a tribute to what most 21 year olds are doing and then what the 21 year old Lo is doing. Enjoy.

21, the official drinking age!

Ah, to be a college graduate!


People look forward to turning 21 so they can legally do all those things. This is what I am doing....

As close to Black Jack as I will ever get.

Studying, not even close to graduation.

Calm down people, it is most DEFINITELY virgin.

Yep. Jobless.

So that is a brief peek into the life of Lo as a 21 year old. Feel better about yourself?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pearl Harbor

Since about 8th grade I have been intrigued with studying Pearl Harbor. I have dreamed of going there since I finished reading my first book on the subject. November 17th that dream came true! Jeri and I took an adventure into the city and ended up at Pearl Harbor! It was a great experience. The atmosphere there is somber yet proud. You can't learn about Pearl Harbor without feeling pride for our wonderful, blessed country. Right now there is construction going on to improve the facilities, but it is still cool to check out. I hope to go back one day when everything is open and running again, but this experience will hold me over for awhile. It was a great, fulfilling day. Thanks Jeri!

This is the flag that continuously waves over the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial

Me at the "Lost at Sea" memorial. It had plaques commemorating all of the submarines that were lost at sea during WWII, and I must say, there were quite a few. I was surprised. If you look over my sholder you can see the USS Arizona Memorial.

Me in front of the USS Bowfin
One of the many memorials that dot the coast of the former Battleship Row. These platforms mark where all of our ships were hit and/or sunk.
Part of the sunken USS Arizona that sticks out of the water. It is crazy to think this has been here since 1941.

More of the USS Arizona inshrined underneath the water. To this day, there is still oil that leaks from this sunken ship. You can see it if you look closely at the picture.

USS Arizona platform memorial

This part of the USS Arizona memorial was installed in 1984. It lists all 1177 names of the men who were lost in the surprise attack.

The entrance to the memorial. After you watch a brief video on the attack of Pearl Harbor you board a boat and take about a 5 minute ride to this entrance.

Monday, November 16, 2009

AMIGOS! That means FRIENDS in Spanish

This summer at Cami's wedding. We have come so far...

Ahhh... I used to be tan. Good times.

The day before I came back to Hawaii. I like this picture best because of Gemma and Hilldawg. And Cho has BANGS.

KB!!! This is when I came to hear you play the trumpet. I liked it.

Established 1995
I love my friends! What more can I say?

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today I went to the Dole Pineapple Plantation with Staci, Jeri and the children. It was AWESOME! We rode a train (pictured above) that went through the whole plantation and showed us where and how they grow them delicious pineapples in Hawaii. We also ate some way good food including the famous Dole Whip aka pineapple ice cream. We were able to see the different kinds of pineapple that are grown throughout the world- baby ones, red ones, long ones, etc. I now know everything about pineapples, so ask me anything! And the best part? NO CANKERS!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

One of my favorites....

"...I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff-- I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all."

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days? Yeah...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Over and Under

In college I have realized that a lot of things are overrated. For example, college. So overrated. Since I am a creeper, I often over hear people talking about things that are "cool" or "awesome" and it kinda makes me sick. People are really confused about things that are actually cool. So this post is to help all of you get things right. I am going to list the most overrated things in life. Hopefully it can help you get on the right path.
Top 5 Most Overrated Things
1. Reality TV- There are way too many reality TV shows that lack quality. It seems the TV execs are going for quantity over quality. This is a horrible blow for TV. I say get rid of all of the lame reality shows (aka VH1 altogether) and let's concentrate on the good ones (SYTYCD)!
2. Facebook- Blogging is SO much cooler...Chelsea....But really. People get addicted? Come on. It really isn't that cool. And stop inviting me to join Farmville. I don't know what that is and I never will, so stop.
3. Matching Socks- Is this really necessary? Sure there are those few times that people might actually see your socks, but usually they are unseen, especially ankle socks which 95% of the world's population wear. Do we really have to take the time to match socks? I think not. If you are one of those people who freak out when the dryer eats your socks, to you I say calm down. Just wear whatever you have, they don't have to match!
4. Plaid- OMG! Why are people still wearing plaid?! It was in like 4 seasons ago! (and even then it was a stretch) People need to stop. There are very few and I mean VERY FEW plaids that people can still get away with, but really, let's just stop altogether. Plaid is done. Sorry farmers.
5. The Office- It had a good run, especially the first few seasons, but it just might be time to say good-bye. Pam and Jim got married and are preggers. What more could we want? The episodes aren't really that funny anymore and people who think they are need to branch out and see what else is out there. Other shows are way funnier. It's ok though. The Office will always hold a special place in our hearts, but in all honesty, it's overrated.
This post wouldn't be complete without mentioning the top 5 things that are underrated. Since I just crushed the dreams of a lot of people in the world, the least I could do is give them a few hints about stuff that is ACTUALLY cool and not overratedly cool. Here you go people.
Top 5 Most Underrated Things
1. 30 Rock. You think The Office is funny? Please. It has nothing on 30 Rock. Not since Arrested Development have I laughed so hard at the TV. Brilliant. And even dumb people can understand some of the jokes! Awesome.
2. Chocolate Milk- Be honest, how often do you drink chocolate milk? Not very often I bet. But when you do drink chocolate milk, do you enjoy it? Of course! There is no better treat than a tall cold glass of Choco Milk. I think if we all drank more of it, we would rid the world of depression and war. It's delicious and a cure-all.
3. Snuggies- We all make fun of snuggies, the blanket with arms, but have you ever tried one? I have never heard an owner of a snuggie complain about it. They LOVE them! Sure the concept sounds ridiculous, but I bet when pants were first invented they sounded crazy too. Besides, snuggies are comfortable as heck! Believe dat!
4. Silly Putty- The most fun you will ever find in a colored egg. I personally carry around silly putty in my purse, and I can honestly say I am never bored. Lame class lectures? Pull out the silly putty and you can have hours of fun. It is also a conversation starter. My classmates always look at me with a puzzled face and ask,"Is that silly putty?" When I say yes they laugh, but then ask to play. Greatest toy ever, and most definitely underrated.
5. Demetri Martin- Seriously one of the funniest people ever! How can you go wrong with a name like Demetri? Not only is this comedian funny, he is insightful and a genius. He made a 436 word palindrome. How many other people have done that? NONE. Everyone should watch his special "If I" on youtube. Hilarious and amazing.
So there you have it people. Top 5 most over and under-rated things in the world. It was hard to pick only 5 because there are lots of other things in this world that are over and under-rated. Believe me. But I didn't want to shock anyone. A little bit at a time works best I think. However, feel free to add on your insights. I encourage it in fact. You can also correct me if you feel I made a mistake, but in all honestly, that rarely happens and I will probably just shut you down. Enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I do, I do, I do!

I am at a point in my life where the word "marriage" comes up quite often. Why is that you ask? Well that is a good question. After all I am only 20 years old...But instead of being annoyed, I have decided to embrace the concept of marrige. The following is a short list of men I would marry hands down, in a heartbeat. Enjoy and don't get too jealous....They're mine!

Ah, George. My first love really. He has a few years on me, but it's ok. His salt and pepper hair is fine with me. Although I might have to let him go once his age catches up to him, but I still believe he has a few good years left. And just so you know, ER is fine and dandy but Danny Ocean won my heart!

Joel Mchale! What can I say about Joel...From the first moment I saw him hosting The Soup I knew he was a keeper. Hilarious, sarcastic, and extremely tall. I had a set date with him every Friday night, but that wasn't enough for him. Now I get to watch him Thursdays too! He is a self-promoting whore, (his words, not mine) but I would marry him anyways. Gotta love Joel.

Jason Bateman holds extra space in my heart because not only would I marry him, but I would marry Michael Bluth. Two for one! It was a dark day when I found out Michael Bluth was leaving, but it was comforting to know that Jason would still be around. It was the only thing that got me through those rough nights. Jason is a good man, but I have to say my heart flutters in anticipation for Michael Bluth to be on the big screen. Maybe if he knew how retarded I was (just look at this ridiculous blog) he would marry me! I can only hope....

Another Arrested man I can't get enough of! Like Joel , his height plays a major factor in his marrying qualifications, but I think his illusions seal the deal. (Oh my gosh, my SEAL DEAL!) Hilarious in everything he does, Will Arnett aka GOB Bluth, is a great catch. Who needs Amy Poehler! Besides my favorite song is "The Final Countdown" too. We are basically a match made in heaven. Marry me!

He's Chuck Bass. Need I say more?

See everyone? No need to get all in my face about marriage, I have plenty of options!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This One's For You!

Dear Chelsea,

This blog is for you. Are you happy now?
