Sunday, October 23, 2011


It is about time I post about what I do with ALL of my free time. Meet Mexican Train: everyone, mexi-train; mexi-train, everyone. I am absolutely head over heels for this game. There are 13 rounds in a properly played game of mexi-train. We never play less than two GAMES. (games, not rounds) We should be tired of it by now, yes? No. It never gets boring. Yes, my friends and I should probably be out socializing and meeting new people, but mexi-train is just too dang awesome.

Best. Game. Ever.

Although I am the #1 mexi-train fan in the world, I must admit the best part of Saturday night was the 30 minutes we took laughing our heads off talking about people who fall down. 30 minutes straight of laughing, laughing to the point of crying, at other peoples misfortune. That is true friendship.

PS- remember when we had a real conversation about politics? WE ARE GROWN-UPS!!!
PPS- remember when we shattered our "grown-up-ness" by watching JB music videos? Fail.

1 comment:

  1. Ha we really are so awesome! Lets be honest it was really weird when we had that grown up not like us!
